Two screws

The homogeneous transformation matrix $ T_i$ will be constructed by combining two simpler transformations. The transformation

$\displaystyle R_i = \begin{pmatrix}\cos\theta_i & -\sin\theta_i & 0 & 0  \sin\theta_i & \cos\theta_i & 0 & 0  0 & 0 & 1 & d_i  0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix}$ (3.54)

causes a rotation of $ \theta _i$ about the $ z_i$-axis, and a translation of $ d_i$ along the $ z_i$-axis. Notice that the rotation by $ \theta _i$ and translation by $ d_i$ commute because both operations occur with respect to the same axis, $ z_i$. The combined operation of a translation and rotation with respect to the same axis is referred to as a screw (as in the motion of a screw through a nut). The effect of $ R_i$ can thus be considered as a screw about the $ z_i$-axis. The second transformation is

$\displaystyle Q_{i-1} = \begin{pmatrix}1 & 0 & 0 & a_{i-1}  0 & \cos\alpha_{i...
... 0 & \sin\alpha_{i-1} & \cos\alpha_{i-1} & 0  0 & 0 & 0 & 1 \end{pmatrix} ,$ (3.55)

which can be considered as a screw about the $ x_{i-1}$-axis. A rotation of $ \alpha _{i-1}$ about the $ x_{i-1}$-axis and a translation of $ a_{i-1}$ are performed.

Steven M LaValle 2012-04-20