Nonholonomic Mobile Robot Motion Planning

----Motion Strategy Project (Final Report)
Jun Qu

See more examples in Example section.


    In this project, we consider mobile robots(car-like and car-trailer robots). The main task is to develop and implement a path planning system that is used to being a mobile robot from an initial configuration to a goal configuration. Given a complicated geometric model for the world, a continuous, collision-free path will be computed out. By using RRT, an efficient planner was designed and some local improvement of RRT was developed. Many examples were tested and the results were pretty good.

Conceptual Description (Nonholonomic):

    The mobile robots are known to be nonholonomic, i.e.., they are subject to nonintegrable equality nonholonomic constraints involving the velocity. In other words, the dimension of the admissible velocity space is smaller than the dimension of the configuration space. In addition, the range of possible controls is usually further constrained by inequality constraints due to mechanical stops in steering mechanism of the tractor.

C = R2*S1
q (x, y, theta)

-dx*sin(theta)+dy*cos(theta) = 0

dx = v*cos(fi)*cos(theta)
dy = v*cos(fi)*sin(theta)
dtheta = (v/L)*sin(fi)

v=[-1, 1]
|fi| <= MAXfi

distance (p, q) = [(p.x-q.x)^2 + (p.y-q.y)^2 + A*min((p.theta-q.theta)^2 + (p.theta-q.theta+2*PI)^2 + (p.theta-q.theta-2*PI)^2) ] ^0.5

C = R2*S1*S1
q (x, y, theta1, theta2)

-dx*sin(theta1)+dy*cos(theta1) = 0
-dx*sin(theta2)+dy*cos(theta2)-L2*dtheta2 = 0

dx = v*cos(fi)*cos(theta1)
dy = v*cos(fi)*sin(theta1)
dtheta1 = (v/L1)*sin(fi)
dtheta2 = (v/L2)*cos(fi)*sin(theta1-theta2)

v=[-1, 1]
|fi| <= MAXfi

distance (p, q) = [(p.x-q.x)^2 + (p.y-q.y)^2 + A1*min((p.theta1-q.theta1)^2 + (p.theta1-q.theta1+2*PI)^2 + (p.theta1-q.theta1-2*PI)^2) + A2*min((p.theta2-q.theta2)^2 + (p.theta2-q.theta2+2*PI)^2 + (p.theta2-q.theta2-2*PI)^2) ] ^0.5

where, 0 < MAXfi < PI/2 . In this project, I tried MAXfi = PI/4 and PI/3.
  Another expression of the equivalent control system:
dx = v*cos(theta)
dy = v*sin(theta)
dtheta = (v/L)*tan(fi)
In the former expression, the velocity, v, is the velocity of the front wheels. In later expression. the velocity, v, is the velocity of the rear wheels. The former one can have larger range of fi, and the translation has relationship with rotation, which makes sense. Also because the real cars are front wheel driving, the former one is more reasonable. So I chose the former expression in my project.

Motion Strategy(RRT):

    RRT, Rapid-Exploring Random Trees, is suited for both holonomic and nonholonomic path planning problem. It is efficient and robust, especially designed to handle nonholonomic constrains and high degree of freedom. In this project, RRT is the main weapon. In order to fit my problems, some modification of the standard RRT algorithm was made. So I list the modified part here.

(1) Goal_Region_Biased_Conf()

In general, for holonomic, Rand_Conf() or Goal_Biased_Conf() are used to get the randomized configurations. However, in nonholonomic problems, such as car-like, it doesn't well enough. Many times it takes long time to get to the Goal with high accuracy. For example, 0<x<100, 0<y<100, and 0<=theta<2*PI, it is hard to get to qGoal as close as d<2.

After trying several ways, I designed a new version of the randomized configuration algorithm, Goal_Region_Biased_Conf(). This function gives the Goal region more probability to have new nodes, which makes it faster to get to the Goal. Note: the Goal region keeps changing to be smaller and smaller. So the RRT has both global and local properties: it can get to anywhere in global and have more details in Goal region. Using Goal_Region_Biased_Conf(), the Goal can be get much faster with high accuracy. For the same example, the Goal can be reached as close as d<0.5.

Goal_Region_Biased_Conf (qGoal, PG, r){
PG2 = 0.5
R >> x;
if (x< PG)
        return (goal);
else if (x< PG2){
        q = Rand_Conf();
        while (distance (q, qGoal) > r)
else return(Rand_Conf());
See the following RRT, which is the RRT of Example(6).  Obviously, the Goal region has more sampled configuration, which makes the tree get to the Goal faster with high accuracy.

RRT of Example (6)

(2) Optm_Input()

Optm_Input (vn, q, obsts){
u = Optimazition(vn, q)
if > MAXfi = MAXfi
else if < -MAXfi = -MAXfi = =
while (Collision (u1, obsts)){ = + small_angle
qn1 = New_Conf(vn, u1);
d1 = distance(qn1, q)
while (Collision (u2, obsts)){ = - small_angle
qn2 = New_Conf(vn, u2);
d2 = distance(qn2, q)

optm_u = (d1<d2)? u1:u2
return (optm_u)

Because it is a nonholonomic problem, after finding the nearest node (vn) of the randomized configuration (q), we have to find the optimal input(v, fi) to get the new node (qn) closest to q. This is a optimization problem, defined as following:
[distance(qn, q)]^2 = (qn.x-q.x)^2 + (qn.y-q.y)^2 + A*min[(qn.theta-q.theta), (qn.theta-q.theta+2*PI), (qn.theta-q.theta-2*PI)]^2   --------------------- (1)
qn.x = vn.x + v*dt*cos(fi)*sin(vn.theta)
qn.y = vn.y + v*dt*cos(fi)*cos(vn.theta)
qn.theta = vn.theta + v*dt*sin(fi)

if v = 1, do the first derivative of (1) for fi, and make it equal to zero.

d([distance(qn, q)]^2)/d(fi) = a*cos(fi) + b*sin(fi) + c*cos(fi)*sin(fi) = 0  ---(2)
if v = -1,
d([distance(qn, q)]^2)/d(fi) = a*cos(fi) + b*sin(fi) - c*cos(fi)*sin(fi) = 0  ---(3)
a = (A/L)*min[(qn.theta-q.theta), (qn.theta-q.theta+2*PI), (qn.theta-q.theta-2*PI)]
b = (vn.x-q.x)*cos(vn.theta) + (vn.y-q.y)*sin(vn.theta))
c = A/(L*L)-1
Equations (2)(3) can be deduced to degree four polynomial equations, which have close form roots. As a special case, when A = L*L, c = 0, the root can be got immediately: fi = atan(a/b).

By comparing the two optimal input(v=-1, fi=optimal_fi_1) and input(v=1, fi=optimal_fi_2), the optimal input of vn is obtained. Then qn can be computed.

By the same proach, we have:
if v = 1, do the first derivative of (1) for fi, and make it equal to zero.
d([distance(qn, q)]^2)/d(fi) = g*cos(fi) + h*sin(fi) + m*cos(fi)*sin(fi) = 0  --(4)
if v = -1,
d([distance(qn, q)]^2)/d(fi) = g*cos(fi) + h*sin(fi) - m*cos(fi)*sin(fi) = 0  --(5)
g = (A1/L1)*min[(qn.theta1-q.theta1), (qn.theta1-q.theta1+2*PI),   (qn.theta1-q.theta1-2*PI)]
h = (vn.x-q.x)*cos(vn.theta1)+(vn.y-q.y)*sin(vn.theta1))
m =[ -1 + A1/(L1*L1) - A2/(L2*L2)*(sin(vn.theta1-vn.theta2))^2 ]*dt
Equations (4)(5) can be deduced to degree four polynomial equations, which have close form roots. So until now we have solved the optmazition problem.
NOTE: Collision detection must be included in Optm_Input(). That means the optimal input may not be implemented, because of collision. When collision happens, new inputs should be tried. Among the collision free inputs, the one which is closest to the optimal input is the best one. In this project, the incremental collision detection algorithm is used.
  Because each node of RRT has only one father node, it is easy to start from the Goal back to the Root. If the the root is the initial configuration, the path has been got. If not, also start from qInit back to the Root, then connect the two paths. If the two paths have common nodes besides the Root, a shorter path can be got. In this project, the RRTs were always built with the qinit as the Root.


In this project, we have used RRT as the nonholonomic path planning algorithm. By introducing Goal_Region_Biased_Conf(), and Optm_Input(), the planner works very well(fast and accurately) for car-like and car-trailer nonholonomic system. (see examples)

Although the planner works well now, there are some problems left:

  1. In the distance metric, what are the optimal values of A, A1, A2... ? If no optimal values, are there some recommended values? In this project, A = L*L, A1 = L1, and A2 = L2.
  2. In Goal_Region_Biased_Conf(), what are the optimal values for PG, PG2 and r? If no optimal values, are there some recommended values? In this project, PG = 0.05, PG2 = 0.5, and r = 2*d.
  3. If velocity is large, the RRTs can reach the whole environment fast, but the accuracy is low. If velocity is small, it is slow with high accuracy. What is the tradeoff? My idea is to make the velocity smaller as the radius of the biased Goal region becomes smaller.

Examples:(Click small images to see big images)
(1)Get into garage (2)Parallel ParkingI  (3)Parallel ParkingII
(4)Get into garageI (5)Parallel Parking  (6)Get into garageII

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