************************************************************** README.txt For the Stanek/Marks Motion Strategy Project By: Jason Stanek && Matthew Marks Spring 2000 ************************************************************** ** COMPILATION OF CODE ** There are two different makefiles for this project. The makefile for the CS Department's HP network is titled Unixmake. The makefile for the CS Departments Linux PCs is titled RHmake. The files required to compile the program are: main.cpp drrt.cpp drrt.h evader.cpp evader.h obstacle.cpp obstacle.h treenode.cpp treenode.h type.h The LEDA libraries are also needed. ** INPUT ** There are two input files required to run the compiled program. The first file must be named "poly". File "poly" holds a list of polygons which represent the obstacles in the world of the program. Each polygon is represented as a series of x,y co-ordinates, all on one line of a file. An example of three polygons is: (6 94) (15 94) (15 85) (6 85) (6.75 79) (15 79) (15 70) (6.75 70) (46.5 94) (57.75 94) (57.75 80) (46.5 80) The second file must be named "funct". File "funct" has a line for each corresponding polygon in the file "poly". Each of these lines has three numbers. The first number is the amount of x co-ordinate translation that an obstacle will have. The second number is the amount of y co-ordinate translation that an obstacle will have. The third number is the amount of rotation that an obstacle can have. As an example for the three polygons mentioned above: -0.5 0.5 0.0 1.0 0.0 -0.05 -1.0 0.0 4.0 ** USER INTERFACE ** The users position of the mouse in the application window is where the Goal Position will move to. And the Pursuer robot will attempt to reach the Goal Position. * The Pursuer robot is signified by a red square. * Some of the possible paths available to the Pursuerare highlighted in blue and green. * The Goal Position is signified by a greed circle. * The anticipated location of the Goal Position is a blue line near the Goal Position. * Obstacles (which the Goal Position can move through, but the Pursuer robot can not) are represented by black polygons.