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Vector fields

A vector field, ${\vec V}$, on a manifold X, is a function that associates with each $x \in X$, a vector, ${\vec V}(x)$. The velocity field is a special vector field that will be used extensively. Each vector ${\vec V}(x)$ in a velocity field represents the infinitesimal change in state with respect to time,  
{\dot x}= \left[ \frac{dx_1}{dt} \;\; \frac{dx_2}{dt} \; \cdots \; 
\frac{dx_n}{dt} \right] ,\end{displaymath} (2)
evaluated at the point $x \in X$.

Note that for a fixed u, any state transition equation, ${\dot x}= f(x,u)$ defines a vector field because ${\dot x}$ is expressed as a function of x.

Steven M. LaValle